
Why are people believing he actually said that? So much of her version of events is either suspect or provably incorrect.…

I'd tell her thank you for introducing me to comedians who are actually funny, even if she did spoil their punchlines.…

I was using those two more as examples than anything, but it's good to know Google really does seem to have become a safer place. Even simple terms like 'eat' will occasionally net unappetizing results, and there were stories of Elsanna pics popping-up for awhile in January (though that was more a case of folks

Not as much as you'd think.

Considering the surprises you're likely to get when googling Disney or Pokemon characters, it's at the very least commendable.

Someone here already brought-up 'pokeporn' and how it's pretty much a huge in-joke in that fandom: the weirder the better. A lot's actually fairly easy to find. Notsomuch with MLP, since a bunch of fans have made sure no violent or erotic images pop up in safe search.

One of which is fairly infamous for its ludicrously high amounts of 'twincest' art and fan fiction, a lot of it produced by girls.

Which I've always found perplexing. It's not like many are demanding it be catered to them, or literally stealing merch like Bronconius.

Yeah… Because it didn't tear a small corner of the internet a new asshole, it's apparently written by a bunch of pussy-footed hacks and beyond redemption.

It's honestly saddening how many people tuned-in solely because they were salivating for a bloodbath, got even-handed satire instead, and now claim to have 'quit' the show.


That's an excellent analysis of the show's comedic formula, but I think you're being a touch harsh on the kids. I've known plenty who were almost carbon-copies of Louise and Gene, yet still raked-in the As & Bs. That might be less of a surprise with the girls whose souls are capped with a set of bunny ears (Louise