No it couldn't. Stop smoking that PCP, man.
No it couldn't. Stop smoking that PCP, man.
you better hope and pray that you have some exclusive titles to M$ or else your XBONE will be buried in the graveyard with other consoles like the Dreamcast.
But why would the Xbone get better software when it's the inferior console? Programmers know what's up.
Point being; Microsoft has gone and fucked up their own agenda by releasing an inferior console.
Finnigan has super troll powers.
He needs to be the next PM after Harper retires from office. I'd even go up there and vote for him myself; and IIRC our dollar is worth five of your dollars, so that means my vote would be equal to five Canadian votes.
That's coke bloat (something you only see with rich cokeheads for the most part, since it requires one to be able to afford such a habit along with their grocery budgets).
I hope Canada re-elects him and gives him a TV show too.
I wonder how many Deadspinners are going to call that number and furiously masturbate as soon as she answers the phone.
Babe, get the hell out of lame ass Buffalo and head to a real city, like Pittsburgh. We have a shortage of white women that have both a decent ass (at least for a Caucasian, anyway) and can move it like a pornstar as well.
Hey guys, no need to argue. You're both right.
He should've cooked it in butter first and served it on toast. Then no one would be the wiser.
That's ironic that the Soviets didn't have the C64, since its nickname often was "Commie 64".
The first one is the only decent game in the series.
Good point. What other X-Men have been Horsemen as well?
I wonder what their kids would look like (if they had some).
I said "good", not "infallible". And both of those cases you cited pale in comparison to the massive bucket of fail that was the 360's RRoD. Why don't you try comparing the failure rate of PS3s to X-box 360, since they're in the same generation cycle and all?
I bet the XBone will continue the tradition of least Sony knows how to make some good hardware.