When has SNL ever had a good season (that wasn't before the early 1980s)?
When has SNL ever had a good season (that wasn't before the early 1980s)?
Civ II was the best one for me (have tried up to IV, seen demos/videos of V IIRC)
LOL you think they're going to change the name from a racial slur to something with vaguely 'communist' overtones? yeah...you don't know dan snyder too well.
I thought that sort of crap was soccer's terrain.
So we time traveled to the 1990s? Wild.
Oh really. So you're a 6-year-old girl, then? Because that's the only 'official' offspring Mr. Ledger had.
so they're 'slow bros' then
FFVII was kinda weak...not sure why so many people love it. I played them since the first one on the NES when I was a kid; I quit the series for the most part after VIII...always thought IV (and later V when it was eventually translated oh so long ago) were the best in the series. That being said, I don't think a…
I agree; this is something I expect to see on io9, to be frank.
The Descendants suck.
Sometimes Meg's voice gave me a boner. why is that
A lame pun at that. :(
you really are that naive, aren't you?
Maybe you are a prude. It's not like your roommate didn't give you fair warning about her horny streak or her willingness to get down whenever and wherever. Do you still have her number, BTW?
Then she would be in jail because he would've only been 11 at the time.
This is one of the lamest articles I've read here yet. Seriously, reporting on fantasy MMORPG rape stories...even Fleshbot (or whatever it was called) wouldn't take this sort of crap.
"The film didn't seem like it would translate well to an RPG; hell, it didn't translate well to a shooter."
would it be able to play this game?
the psuedoscience in this article is laughable