
Those sites usually have the permission of the video game holders to display such material. AVGN does not, and him trying to make ad money from the videos is probably what forced the issue for YT. If he hadn't enabled personal ad revenues on his videos than we wouldn't be hearing about this today.

Meh. His videos would've been more interesting had he not try to force so much profanity into them; it was like listening to a 13-year-old use a stream of curse words in order to impress his juvenile friends. Needs to find a better gimmick, IMO.

well, it could be worse

I'm sure they have plenty of this to consume along with their homemade bathtub meth and toilet-brewed gin.

Actually, New York City is full of punks these days, as far as I can tell - supposedly grown adults aren't even allowed to drink sodas out of anything bigger than a 'sippy cup'. LOL you live in a nanny state and you fools are going to keep Bloomberg-types in power forever because New Yorkers like to be dominated by

Jay Cutler has a posse...and it's full of emos. Go figure.

It is stupid and boorish, I agree...but it's also a perfect reflection of the Patriot fanbase at large, IMO. All of their rings were won by cheating and they haven't won a single super bowl since they got caught doing it. They wish they could be like the best champs of all time, who happen to have 6 rings.

Pretty much every Patriots/Red Sox fan I've met from the New England area has been 100% asshole, fueled by alcohol and cocaine along with whatever they can con their doctors into prescribing them. I can see why the politicians from that area have problems keeping themselves from going bananas from substance abuse.

Too bad New England is going to win next week anyway, and probably with lots of cheating and/or the help of biased refs. It's like Tom Brady is the head of the Irish mobs in Boston or something.

It would've made more sense to stop taking Ambien than to stop using tampons, but I guess we see where your priorities lay.

Well, I just learned a whole bunch of stuff about women that I never wanted to know from this thread. I think I lost my appetite and my ability to gain an erection at the same time. :(

You sound as stupid and self-important as the gossip you supposedly loathe (yet can't stop reading). Your attempts at defending the writer make her sound like even more of a talentless hack than one would suspect from the general negative reception she gets from (more intelligent) Jezebel readers.

Now playing

This article's tone is inappropriate considering the animal was abused and tormented repeatedly. Your "cheerful" style combined with the subject matter makes the reader wonder if you're a sadist or a sociopath. My god, man. Learn a lesson from this legend:

I thought that turned out to be a mistranslation about an incident that occurred when he was 9 years old; he was a witness to a rape, not a participant. I think the paper who published it retracted the article due to errors.

Hi Ray!

Now playing

Trying to cut to the heart of the matter, I see.

Better or worse than Dave Wannstedt, in your opinion?

Seems legit.

Yeah, I remember that cheapshot that he got flagged and fined for. Of course he'd have to intentionally attempt to injure Ward with an illegal hit; it was the only way he could stop Hines from clowning his ass. Figures a Baltimore fan would think that was perfectly acceptable 'sportsmanlike' conduct, though - you guys

Probably; this is Kotaku after all