looks like they got their hands on one of those 'nu' rave 6-APB pills; damned hippies
looks like they got their hands on one of those 'nu' rave 6-APB pills; damned hippies
I'm getting mad at JJ Abrams now. This next movie better be the "Citizen Kane" of Star Trek films or else there's going to be some seriously angry redshirt-wearing trekkies looking for his blood.
You're not from America? That makes me feel better - we already have enough morons on our side without adding your idiocy in the mix. So tell me, what inferior country are you from that probably got its ass stomped and/or defended by America at one time?
It's like they gave him the soul of Westley Crusher!
Wow, your thoughts suck. God wtf was that.
For relevancy:
slow down on the precrime thought bro
So why are you two 'beefing', as it were?
I see you two exchanging messages all over this fucked up Kinja board on multiple Gawker sites for some reason.
Agreed. Their next console will make or break them, I think. As stupid as some of the decisions Nintendo has made in the last decade (and there are a lot of them) they don't approach the level of idiocy that was Sega and their approach to putting out consoles, so they still have some positive 'rep' left, unlike Sega,…
I had a friend tell me the same thing when I asked him about it a while ago. He said he bought it for his son, but the kid's only 6 so he's still learning it.
Ah, I see. It sounds like it might require some micromanaging (ala 4x space exploration games or to a lesser extent, the SimCity series). It kinda sounds interesting. Might try a demo one day.
Texas's economy is only alive thanks to having tons of fossil fuels underneath its surface. The way your state government allows corporations to rip the land apart and constantly test the EPA is not a long-term stragedy for success - you guys would be mightily screwed if renewable energy becomes a way of life for the…
Kinda confused about Minecraft. Is the only thing you do in this game is build things or dig things up? I watch videos and there seems to be quite of bit of variety to what it does...but I'm not sure of the point. I'm getting old, I think. :(
Make a version of Madden for WiiU that's targeted at babies and their moms and has lots of "cute" and "comical" Nintendo-brand characters in it, and make the physics more like NFL Blitz. That'll boost its numbers for sure.
They're not as benign as the article makes them out to be. You're still dealing with (more concentrated) forms of nicotine, and some brands will leak liquid after so many uses. I tried them to help wean off of smoking; stopped using after three weeks and went back to cigs until I quit 6 months later. Have stopped…
Well, looks like TMNT fans dodged a bullet there. That sounds like some SyFy nonsense you see at 2 AM just before the informercials take over.
Yep, I remember her from the ancient days of Usenet, back when the SS had a talk with her for comments she made about Bill and Hillary Clinton.
welcome to deadspin!