Probably a Browns fans; they're always bitter about something.
Probably a Browns fans; they're always bitter about something.
translation: derp
Because he's a Nintendo fanboy? They're almost as bad as Apple hipsters, IMO...the only difference is the two is about a decade or two in age, generally.
Why don't you call the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahmabulance, you Ayn Rand loving freak? Oh, that's would be against your Objectionist beliefs.
Just rename the series to "Stupid Wrestler Tricks" or something like that. Sheesh.
The Philly cop sounds a bit like a bigot. I guess that statement is redundant, though.
Why do you assume that the author of this article is straight? (And no, there's nothing wrong with him being gay if he were, before anyone attempts to troll me on that front.)
Yeah, I thought this too. So the author would be okay with this 'joke' if the victims were jerks? Weird sense of morality here.
Best comment right here.
FB, maybe. Google will still be around and Pandora will probably have been forgotten, absorbed into some other site serving a similar niche.
It's only a true web fossil if it runs perfectly in Lynx on a Windows 3.1/95 machine (or even worse, something with an old-school version of *nix on it)
Yeah, they're the same people that were there 10-15 years ago, for the most part...because Usenet died a decade ago. Ironically its death throes began when AOL disconnected itself from the 'groups; when AOL joined in 1993 a lot of (then) oldtimers declared it the end of Usenet. Who knew that AOL was really keeping it…
plus one, sir. plus one
Nope; unlike some, I don't try to force humor when there is none.
The women are very acceptable considering their age. Yeah, the general ain't really cutting it but what do you expect from a guy his age doing stressful work (I'm guessing)?
These stories about Yahoo! are just an excuse to work out somebody's obsession for the movie "Young Einstein", aren't they?
Wow, you're a comedic genius! NBC should give you a TV show.
But can't the FDA intercede with 'herbal/natural' supplements whenever they feel it is needed? I seem to remember them doing that to tryptophan in the early 90s when a bunch of it got contaminated with a deadly fungal infection in Japan (not sure why the whole product was banned permanently though; the fungus caused…
Although I agree it's better to take the PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra instead of nonsense like this, let's remember FDA safety 'phase' testing isn't infallible either. Many of the selective COX2 inhibitors released during the past two decades come to mind, for example; not to mention the 'atypical antipsychotics' that…