
@ceilingFANBOY: You can always use the spiral notebooks the other way.

I hear magnets also make your hard drives faster, and tv's have better quality.

@Zinger314: so is "Dishwasher" but I call her that all the time.

"Wake Up On Time Or This Alarm Clock Will Fling Balls At Your Face"

@Habs: Odd enough, that was a sentence I have been expecting you to say for some time now.

It is ironically light.

That bike looks wicked retahded.

This is exactly why I don't have sex.

@MrRainMan: Your use of periods, quotation marks, and asterisks confuses Chernobyl.

@Ramsay101: My Safari is just fine on my iPad.

@☆Giroro G66☆: Its efficient, lower ram or not, the entire device runs great. I have never once thought to myself when using my iPad "wow, this would be so much better with more ram"

@Ramsay101: The iPad is fast though, as the processor was designed specifically for the product. It runs flawlessly, web/apps/movies.. etc. Not to mention the better battery life because of the processor.

@mricyfire: Holy crap that looks amazing.

Kindle 3d?