
I laughed unhealthily much at this.

I'm movin on my scraper bike

This will complete my setup.

@Norbs: Microsoft is a bunch of hipsters

@robot-shmobot: I find this to apply to all facets of my life.

Moral of the story : Wait for the whoooosh

I'll have a double... rainbow shot

I usually take the leftovers and put them in an envelope, write "To the starving kids in Africa my mother used to tell me about when I would waste food" on the front and drop it in the nearest post office box.

@FriarNurgle: "little" is still really big, in Solitaire set in Space terms

Sweet, I will search for 'Google' 16 times a day on bing.

@henhowc: It's the little things in life that make me happy.

@John Milleker: Thank you for sharing your heartfelt tale of woe.

Looks like Harry and Marv are at it again.

Downloading now!

I would be content with a 7 inch iPad, more so than the 10 inch one now.

@geedots: She is still talking about me? It's been like 2 years since we split up.

@badhatharry: we asked 100 people, and the top 6 answers are on the board.

Ohhh my

@TheUltra: I am in the same boat as you.