
@Priper: It probably it's a bar indeed.

@dagamer34: Good thing I don't base my interest in games solely on "pretty" 3d graphics.

Where the hell is iTunes 10 already

@Fulgrymm: I guess "personal attack" is subjective. I pointed out the fact that he was acting like a creep, which he clearly was. Thank you again for your concern though.

@Fulgrymm: Yup I saw that, nope it wasn't a personal attack. Thank you for your concern though.

Dear Jasonskypetest1, you appear to have a question mark for a head, and no neck.

@WestwoodDenizen: If "well educated" means you know some Latin, I guess.

@Justin Dean Job: Most of the southern American states are referred to as Mexico.

@JackMBUR: Nope, I was perplexed, and figured it was some dslr subculture type lingo or something.

@Nitemancometh: Don't you dare try to send that email, or we will charge you another $10 because you are over your limit.

Hahaha 25mb a month? These data plans are hilarious.

@williamgarzon: You might want to hold out for Apple to release their new one. The iLostomy.

@anexanhume: OMG Is there new 'lostomy bags coming out? I'm still using a 1st gen walmart one, been looking to upgrade to one with multi-tasking and a usb slot.

My guess: This will be the first printer of many to use the Canon Social Network, Faceprint, where not only can you update your status, follow friends and celebrities, you can also print on it.

People are still trying to push 3d?

@TheFreshAddict: I'll get you Samsung, and your little tablet too.