
@Pavlovs-Dog: But potassium benzoate inhibits the growth of mold, yeast and some bacteria. That's good.

@xleo21: Personally, I'm holding out for the version with a 3.5 floppy drive.

@WeAreRobots: I honestly wish the iPod touch looked more like the iPhone 4...

@jbaranski: I don't understand the reasoning behind making it smaller and smaller, there is other types of iPod for that. I think a iPhone 4 sized iPod touch with massive playback time would be much better.

I really wish they went with the looks of the iPhone 4 instead.

It would have been epic if some guy lit his cigarette with it.

@Odin: I have never laboriously had to laboriously convert videos, it is quite an easy thing to do with very minimal effort. I also don't purchase anything through iTunes either.

Mind Technologies later confirmed that their upcoming movie "Star Wars" was still on schedule for filming.

Mr Wagner is also suing for the fact that it is so easy to mistakenly write Large Hardon Collider.

@Snafu77: Read my comment to Thangka. Good vids, they shed even more light on how awesome he is.

@Thangka: There is some really good documentaries on youtube by him. Off the Grid, and Stranded Summer, and Snowshoes and Solitude.

@KamWrex: Witty reply loading...

@blehbleh13: And I'm surprised by how narrow minded some people are.

@G_A: and if not now, there probably is now.

You and me baby ain't nuthin but mammals, so let's postpone doing it until we are married so we can remain pure like on the discovery channel.