Cherie M. Priest

@Kaijin_Kumori: They're both sequels, of a kind - in that they both follow Boneshaker chronologically; but they feature different characters, and are only peripherally related to the first book.

@dirtybacon: Nah, it's not that weird. I just had a story to tell which (a). was longer than a short story, and (b). not long enough to be a novel ... and not many companies do novellas, that's all.

@Abdiel: Aw, thanks - and no problem. :)

@jmcm: The limited edition of Clementine is sold out, I'm afraid. (It was lettered, numbered, and signed.)

@♠ Final ♠: It is, in fact, the second picture - and thanks! It's the same artist who did the Boneshaker cover, a gentleman named Jon Foster.

@mordicai: - Hey there - Cherie here. Clementine experienced a production delay, and won't be available for another few weeks (probably around the end of this month). It's out of my hands, I'm afraid - but I did want to let you know that it is, in fact, coming this summer. I swear!

@Eester: - Hi there - Cherie here. It's set in the same alternate history universe, yes - and it follows a character from Boneshaker, Croggon Hainey.

@TheFirstBardo: - Hey there - Cherie here. Clementine isn't out yet; there was a production delay, and it won't debut until the end of this month.

@jeffrey: Probably not, I'm afraid. For one thing, no one has invited me (and I can't afford to send myself all over the country, alas); and for another, I think it might conflict with another event to which I'm already committed - but which doesn't have a firm date yet. (All I know is "March.")

@mkirkland: Whoo, boy howdy - you should've seen the reaction when I was in graduate school, trying to write horror/sci-fi.

@faustulus: Thanks! And you're probably right, I suppose.

@Cherie M. Priest: Obviously I meant "role." I am distracted by laundry as I answer these. My apologies ...

@mkirkland: Hey now. I was an English major, I'll have you to know!

@looocas: Ha! I have no idea. Actually, hm. Come to think of it, they probably won't represent much of a zombie demographic at the walk. It's likely to be quite warm, and Victorians (even the dead ones) tend to be rather heavily clothed.

@Sean Broderick: In short, my desire to write a story set in Seattle crashed into my desire to write an American steampunk novel. Throw in a dash of wacky local history, and the book sort of evolved out of that ...

@Sean Broderick: Aw, thank you so much - I'm glad you enjoyed it.

@CoffeeJedi: Ha! The birds. Yes, originally I had intended for them to have a somewhat larger roll in the city's functioning ... but several scenes were left on the cutting room floor, so to speak. You are correct in your assessment, is what I'm trying to say.

@mkirkland: You'll find out in DREADNOUGHT :)