
I know one isn’t supposed to judge appearances, but this is a more objective observation. Hers is what’s known as a hatchet face (extremely angular, very sharp jawline; Kellyanne Conway minus the peroxide), and if ever there was a person whose look matched her personality (in the video clip), this is it. That woman

“No mistakes, just happy little accidents. And don’t forget the happy little trees!”

God yes. Misogyny is fucking everywhere.

No other response necessary.

American judicial corruption? Yes.

I feel the same way. 

I just want to burn it all the fuck down.  

Slightly of the topic. Can’t help myself... 

Down the rabbit hole indeed.

that swimsuit needs to come with a batch of monistat. 

When you sell yourself, they tell you what to believe.

That swimsuit UTI looks very uncomfortable though.

The term “conservative feminism” is an oxymoron. The very definition of the modern conservative is to be anti feminist.

The “Wellness” bullshit comes from DECADES of women being ignored by medical science. It comes from women who have been told that they’re “hysterical”. It comes from people who can’t afford healthcare. 

Parkland teen Kyle Kashuv’s acceptance into Harvard has been rescinded in response to the fact that he was quite a flagrant racist while in high school.

Early on, Han Solo uses a lightsaber to cut open a Tauntaun...

This is...    way too much information.

You are a true hero

I can understand packing a fleshlight to use discreetly on the road, but it takes a psychopathic level of commitment to one’s masturbation habits to travel with a lifesize replica of a headless, limbless woman to fuck right there in front of others.