“I’m with her” triggering Kanye’s daddy issues has got to be the most ridiculous shit I’ve heard in a minute.
“I’m with her” triggering Kanye’s daddy issues has got to be the most ridiculous shit I’ve heard in a minute.
“We have to go back, Marty.”
“They’re both mistaken. The Devil’s Triangle is a lady’s mother’s down-there-place.”
-Mike Pence
“They’re both mistaken. The Devil’s Triangle is a lady’s down-there-place.”
-Mike Pence
“Kavanaugh seems to be a good man.”
An important detail left out of the article is that MO also has a required 72 hour waiting period between one’s initial appointment and when one can have an abortion. 100 miles is certainly a long way to go for those coming from Colombia, but think about those coming from Springfield or Joplin - over 250 miles away.
Every time I read one of these stories, I’ve made it a habit to donate five bucks to Planned Parenthood.
Yep. Every American is a victim of Kellyanne Conway assault. Fuck her & her rotted, festering excuse for a human soul
She wants to think so. In the twisted world she’s fighting to get into, that’s the only power she has--otherwise she’s nothing but a helpless object that won’t be protected or rescued by the EXACT KIND OF MEN WHO ASSAULTED HER.
“But go blame the perpetrator.”
Kavanaugh should not be held accountable for Kellyanne Conway having been abused by another man.
So...she feels like she’s responsible for her own assault?
Please review the years of 1861-1865 and you’ll see
What do you do when your country can’t even agree on reality?
I feel like anything shy of South Africa-style Truth & Reconciliation Committees is just going to lead us right back here in another 10-15 years. I no longer things can get better with our current institutions in place.
Eventually, the bubble collapses. At some point, there will be a split so vast that it’s simply impossible to be a good believer and accept the evidence of your own eyes, and they’re either going to snap out of it or go completely insane. In Jonestown, the collapse of the bubble led to mass suicide. In Germany, it led…
And they’re still going to come out of all of this believing they’re the victims.
But that’s where I keep all my stuff though!
I found this headline to be much more trashy and manipulative than a typical Jezebel headline, and was sincerely surprised. Titles like this are why I refuse to read BuzzFeed. So far all my comments have been approved, so if this one isn’t at least we know why.