It’s almost as if racist parents raise their children to be racist, and even if they don’t grow up to be KKK members they still hold some implicit bias towards black and brown people, or something.
It’s almost as if racist parents raise their children to be racist, and even if they don’t grow up to be KKK members they still hold some implicit bias towards black and brown people, or something.
Yeah, I was trying to decide if whoever posted this did so maliciously, knowing what a tinderbox it was... or if they were just dumb enough to think it was awesome and that everyone who saw it would think it was awesome.
Let the stupidity continue. Out the whole lot of them.
To be fair, Obama was classy and reasonable and charming. But because of it, it also made a lot of us(especially millennial who grew into adulthood with him in office) pretty passive and un-critical about politics in general.
Which is why things like Obama’s harsh immigration policies and so on went unnoticed.
It’s like the political universe had to get back for “No Drama Obama” by giving us this fucking Katrina-sized shitstorm of non-stop scandal to restore balance or something.
Yeah, but he was black; we were supposed to be worrying about him being black, which apparently is way worse than being blatantly evil in public.
Every day, friend.
Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?
for so many trump supporters their ENTIRE philosophy and motivation is do anything and everything is to own the libs. They would shoot off their own dicks if they thought the coastal elites would be upset about it.
You should take it as a compliment that trump hates you, since he’s a complete piece of shit. That means you’re doing something right.
“What liberals and dems forget is that for so many trump supporters their ENTIRE philosophy and motivation is do anything and everything is to own the libs.”
Well in that case, as a flaming liberal socialist snowflake, I can think of nothing that would upset me more than trump supporters using their precious firearms to shoot off their own dicks. Yessiree, NOTHING would be more upsetting than that! I sure hope they don’t find out that is kryptonite for Liberals!
The trump supporters are fucking creaming in their pants after his performance there. A tweet from James Wood said no matter what happens next his vote was worth it just because of this.
It was a bunch of guys named “Potemkin”
I’m not even sure how many Eagles fans were there. One of the reporters covering the event asked six people in attendance who the Eagle’s quarterback was in the Superbowl. None of the six knew the answer. I’m guessing once the Eagles were disinvited, all the Eagles fans peaced out as well so they filled the events…
started transcribing him as close to verbatim as I thought I could get away with
I do closed captioning for a living, and except for unusual circumstances, like a first person testimony about something like the Holocaust or Rawandan genocide, where you transcribe every stammer, false start, and filler word, you clean up people’s speech as you go, not just eliminating those things but also…
Dude is so narcissistic that he actually sings, “Stand beside me” instead of “stand beside her”.