Impeachment proceedings would take years, and in the interim, the spectre would hang about his flabby orange neck.
Impeachment proceedings would take years, and in the interim, the spectre would hang about his flabby orange neck.
Our sales would plummet!
So, like a sucky version of “All in the Family”, where Archie Bunker is always right?
Dementia is a hell of a drug.
Here is a fact that Fusion/Gawker won’t tell you:
If you turn 87 and are still healthy and sharp-witted, you’ll understand.
I call bullshit. I’m a self-hating Italian-American, and @ChineseSafeword is never at the meetings.
Stop making stupid people famous.
Polygyny happens, though... (within polyamorous couples, I mean... I’m not talking about religious polygyny).
SCROTUM is my own. :-)
“Dolt 45"
I just use SCROTUM: “So-Called Ruler Of This Unholy Mess”.
I saw “hubster” once and wanted to kick something.
There is NOTHING irrational about my hatred for it.
Person 1: “We need a slogan that says that black people are human beings, and do not deserve to be shot dead if they were not presenting a clear and present danger to anyone.”
My only hope is that it might be easier to arrest and charge an ex-police-officer than one “currently on administrative leave”.
Newspaper? You were lucky. We had to line our crates with broken concrete and old razor blades. And pay the airline for the privilege.
it weighs 33 fucking pounds
First things first. that picture is NOT a 15 year old... maybe when he was 10.