Um... the whole point of Rule 34 is that there is porn of everything. Teletubbies. My Little Pony. Ted Cruz (shudder).
I live in one of those. What about you?
Kontributor Kan’t Kwit: Kardashian Koverage Keeps Kustomer’s Klicks Koming, Konsequently Kontributing Koins to Koffer.
“Who’s Macklemore?” — 99% of all White Liberals.
I have a Y chromosome and I cannot f**king understand men like this.
Wedding ring clearly visible. You’d think he would have noticed it while he was texting...
“Dallas” would have been an even bigger draw.
I bet he would even gain supporters if he starts by fatally shooting himself.
Ironically, Rahm Emanuel was one of the four panelists for the panel “Reducing Violence and Strengthening Police/Community Trust”:
Seriously, though, #NotAllMoCoResidentsAreTackyKardashianWannabees
Those who are familiar with the capital have a basic understanding of its suburbs: whenever I tell an acquaintance that I grew up in Washington, I’ll unfailingly get a, “Washington proper, or Bethesda [wink].” Like, yes, there are a lot of affluent, over-educated white people in Bethesda, and some of my family did,…
I resemble that remark.
♩ ♬ “Gimme that Ol’ Time Sharia....” ♪ ♫
Mullahs Falwell and Robertson approve.
If his supporters are honestly batshit crazy racists, why don’t you think he is too? Do you think it’s impossible to be a horrible white person and also be rich?
Searched for this comment; was not disappointed.
I can’t picture this metaphor but I thoroughly love it.
Haters gonna hate. The craft that went into this is subtle, and the result is unbelievably beautiful. The themes, the melodic complexity, the wordplay — wow. It has the potential to be a timeless song. Fifty, hell, a hundred years from now, I bet people will still be humming it as they lace up their Yeezys, perhaps…