
G&S was the rap of its time.

It is destined to be a classic.

I can only hope that it was the victim’s divine knee, inspiring itself into the rapist’s scrotum.

This is just awful. He was a real hero.

The last guy he fired. Well, not so much “fired” as “flame broiled”.

Sometimes, fucks are good things to have. Your future self can very much appreciate your fucks.

Please donate to Planned Parenthood itself, and not to Random Internet Person’s “Go Fund Me”.


it’s a child, not a fucking stray puppy

Bill, do you know who else used to talk about “gestapo tactics”? Hitler.

Goddammit, Internet. This is an awful week for animals. :-(

I believe it’s meant to be a Peanuttified Meghan Trainor.

She always struck me as more of a shock-jock than anything else.

I love the Yelp review from here:

Now playing

It is, according to People magazine, “all about letting go of your insecurities and embracing your true self on the dance floor.”

I called my feminism “Amazon feminism” or “street-smart feminism,” where you remain vigilant, learn how to defend yourself, and take responsibility for the choices you make. If something bad happens, you learn from it. You become stronger and move on.


Well, that was just awful all around.

Nah, you’re good. People will think Violet Parr from “The Incredibles”, and Violet Baudelaire from the “Lemony Snickett” books.