Oh, they know. They know.
Oh, they know. They know.
So lets teach abstinence only education. And then when teenagers who have no fucking idea what there doing get pregnant, lets make it as hard as possible for them to have abortions. And then after they have those babies lets defund education and family programs as much as humanly possible.
"Social justice [warrior]" in a conservative media outlet is a code word for liberal/feminist/atheist/Democrat/non-white.
(I just noticed that Kinja ate my original reply to you, so I'll try and remember the gist of it).
You're very welcome, and thanks for the feedback. I realized that I needed a "How To Be An Ally" list when the women-in-tech issue brought "feminist ally bingo cards" to the fore, and (to my great embarrassment) I found myself occupying a couple of squares.
That's ok... I'm white, and I hate White people too.
I don't think protests seen on the web will wake white people up.
For the curious:
Yes, I guess that's a better way to phrase #1 — it's not just calling out blatant racists, but establishing better societal norms for people who may not voice their racism. All-white spaces should not be "safe spaces" for racism, just because non-whites are out of earshot.
A question, Hillary, though it may be off-topic for this thread. I was talking about this subject with my SO today and we got to this question: what is the best way for white people to ally in online fora?
That is because you are sane.
FOX subtext: If you're a mom, you have no excuse to not look like a VS supermodel, because many of these VS supermodels are moms, multitasking, doing it all. QED.
Ok, #teamdog, you win this round.
That's enough internet for the rest of my life.
I'd say that some liberals and conservatives live in self-affirming bubbles, and some do not, although being a religious conservative seems to require a specific kind of bubble (to reject evolution and ecological science, specifically).
I'm white* and I fully support this product.
Yes, I was really interested in whether she had posted anything about the Bush twins at the time. Anybody got a bead on that?
Please read the full comment thread. Lela3 was implying that he was Muslim simply because he was Muslim Sandzak region of Serbia. I said, if you know for a fact that he was Muslim, then that fact might be of interest to the readers, in much the same way that his nationality might be of interest — emphasis on fact and…
I'm not a gamer and I don't follow their blog, so I figured I just wasn't getting the jokes.