
Well played, sir. I retract my careless overgeneralization. :-)

There's someone out there for everyone. I'm almost that short, and I've known a number of women over the years that didn't see it as a dealbreaker (some even taller than me). Yeah, it made things challenging, but I agree: this guy's height is probably not his only problem.

Bananas disprove evolution so yes, God invented bananas. Fun fact: Satan invented kumquats.

Oh, crap, they're renaming the months after cars now? Those bastards will sell the rights to anything. I just hope I'm born in Mazerati. I'll bet I end up being a Fiat baby, though. Or Volvo. Man, I'd hate being a Volvo baby. All the kids pronounce it "Vulva" and you never get any birthday presents because it's

My lady teaches at a community college. She's a great professor and puts a lot of time into her lectures and assignments. Many of her students are there because they can't afford 4-year institutions. So maybe you should walk your attitude back.

Ouch, yeah.

Here's something randomly unfortunate to consider:

Yeah, pretty much the only thing more annoying than Italians are people who make stupid generalizations about Italians on newsgroups where hundreds of Italians can read them.

My body is ready....

"I got it because I wanted to make myself unattractive to men. Because I don't want to date anymore," she explained.

There is no such thing as a slut.

I don't know why every generation seems to think they invented kink. Maybe because they refuse to consider the idea that their parents and grandparents might have been into it.

I have nieces and nephews that age. It's the fourth grade. Kids understand a lot. I expect this will hit her harder in her teens, though. Everything does.

What a nice thing to say... thank you!

Boring-looking? Hardly! You're just too used to looking at them to appreciate their most arresting feature compared to most species on this planet:

I knew an Ivy League student who suffered from hydrocephaly as a child, and was missing 25% of her total brain mass. It's amazing how the body can compensate and adapt. Neuroplasticity being what it is, I would guess that neighboring regions of the brain have taken over the work normally assigned to the cerebellum.

Prediction: these girls will find two tall, hot guys who will later dump them for skinnier girls with bigger boobs.

Agreed. Both are stupid. But you know, if that's their biggest priority in a serious boyfriend, then I hope they find some nice tall guys, bless their hearts.

A week with the people described doessound less pleasant than a week of 2nd degree burns with a yeast infection.

Now playing

I saw this trailer... he's close-cropped is all. But that's ok, it looks awesome. :-)