Japanese just love to screw us with their numbering methods. Ehm “Final Fantasy” being a great example *cough*
Japanese just love to screw us with their numbering methods. Ehm “Final Fantasy” being a great example *cough*
The last sentence got me laugh so hard :)
Well I meant only “if” :)
Nothing says he can’t swing twice right? It’s Negan after all and he really enjoys it...
L O V E I T ♥
So all the stories are based on true events? Holy cow... I never experienced anything supernatural so I always love to read spooky stories. But honestly I prefer made up ones because I don’t want myself or anyone else experience something deep scary IRL.
Corpse Party (the 3ds remake of the first game). After I finish it I plan to watch the anime and live action movies.
I’m always amused when people manage to discover such secrets in games after so many years. It’s kind of scary... Imagine you work on a game and 20 years later someone discovers your secret message, but you already passed away so you will never know, heh.
Typical ignorant human being. You can’t entirely blame the game since the game was never meant for use while driving. Only an idiot plays games while driving. It’s same as with calling, texting, fixing make up, watching news and other things people shouldn’t do while driving, yet they continue to do so EVEN if law…
He looks like a man that is fun to hang around with. I don’t know a thing about NBA, so I’m not sure as how much of a sin is it to watch anime instead of a game... But my friend loves One Piece. She’s a huge fan. I on the other hand prefer short series. Like One Punch Man. So he get’s my 100 percent approval, heh.
Oh Neopets, such great memories. I loved those critters sites, I think I used to play on every one that existed back then. Few years later I moved to Squiby the only critter-like site I keep using to date though not being active on daily basis. It’s more like a nice memo of past. My all time favorite squibies are…
Maybe they just worry about the quality of the cosplay in general? With most female cosplayers you can hardly tell their gender when they cosplay as male characters, but imagine a bulky hairy man to try cosplay as female character that is small/tiny. It is hardly unnoticeable. Kabuki is different in that aspect the…
Would buy it if my make up skills didn’t suck haha
Mr. Mike, you make it really hard for my wallet to stay closed, splendid article
I thought exactly the same. Not sure why it bugs me so much when it’s just art haha
I saw female version of Thor, Spiderman... Too bad I can’t tell what the others cosplay as so I can’t compare with the origin. All looks awesome though
On a light note it’s kind of ironic seeing Japanese slanting their eyes and pointing it to being Korean person. Even if it was meant as joke and no harm intended, it only adds fuel to racism which makes fun of Asians by slanting eyes. Kind of like a blackface.
Please next time speak for yourself and not everyone as if you know everyone thoughts and feelings on this matter (even Koreans themselves find it offensive). Thanks.
Japan really needs to reform their history education. Bur sadly Japan is well known for removing things in history teachings that would shame tgem. Great example being occupation of Korea and forced labors of Koreans...
Adorkable :3