
Aww this is one of the reasons I feel regret over not owning PS Vita (yes I know it’s region free and buying it is easy, but I’m saving for Switch haha). Too bad it wasn’t releassed for 3DS too, I bet it would be huge success on that platform as well. But I understand that PS Vita needs their own exclusives. Can’t

Why is everyone so sure that 3DS era is definitely ending? As far as I’m concerned Nintendo clearly stated that Switch is not going to be a replacement for 3DS/Wii U. And Nintendo devs never seemed like a liars to me.

I knew what was going to happen and still enjoyed and loved that episode. While my sister had a hard time watching I felt a pleasure on the emotional factor (though not watching twice). I find it funny when people complain what a certain character said or did when they never were in such situation. Carl was probably

That’s called being polite in SK. They have many different kind of bows with lot of degree varieties. And Koreans really mind manners and respect (be it age or rank) so I wouldn’t make fun of the way they bow...

Syberia is a great example

I feel you Gamercat. I don’t mind fighting off zombies (since TWD tomorrow), but... spiders? NO FRICKIN WAY. And the Negan one is my fav from now on lol

Yay I’m so happy a team I rooted for won :3 not to mention SKT is one of best mobile network companies in SK lol XD guess the name brought them some luck :3

It’s Super Mario World... SUPER MARIO *_* That means Yoshi. And Yoshi goes well with *lime green muhaha

Switch just gotta switch their opinion, heh :3

Damn you Nintendo. First Switch, now you killing me with this. I’m only lucky in the sense that I’m not really a fan of lime green and I’m actually satisfied with my FE version, but... SMW preinstalled... no no... you need to save for Switch... so buy it on eShop... aaaarghh

Absolutely love the picture. And great article :3 it must feel fantastic to speak with people behind such gems like Pokemon @_@

Very interesting article. In Czech, we don’t celebrate Halloween in the sense Americans do (we celebrate the day of those deceased but we don’t dress in costumes doing trick or treat), though it improved over the years. A great example is the more and more Halloween parties with costumes, the more uses of pumpkins and

Unlike my sister who’s busy trying to find a time to enjoy Witcher 3 (with the new super graphic card she got) in her busy schedule (oh the irony of being busy in a busy time huh?) while still rockin’ WoW after 10-11 years (since the beta times) without ever getting bored of it (uh I would love to have her patience

So NX is now officialy a Switch. Interesting design but the range of games and mainly the price will be a deciding factor for me. Stickin to 3ds until they stop releasing games for it.

Aww that’s adorkable. But they must have been hot as hell lol

Thanks for a tip on what to spend this Christmas. Well I hope I will find a reseller on eBay even if it’s manufactured in China and not Japan import. I’m planning to buy Monokuma anyway so may as well include this :3

I’ll probably go to hell for this, but I damn love it haha :D

While I envy Vita fans on the huge number of games they are getting, I’m hooked for Corpse Party on slowpoke 3ds. If that game will be any good as the trailer indicates, I’m gonna get it :3

Just a slight note, I think the cheerleader’s clothes are perfectly understandable since the less clothing the more comforable the dancing. It can be really exhausting dancing when the weather is frickin’ hot and you sweet a lot haha, but great article :3 

Couldn’t stop laughing at “Red Dead Rectal Examination” and I didn’t even played the game lol. But my favorite probably would be “Red Dead Westworld” since I’m currently pretty hooked on that show thanks to this site :3