
I’ll probably get buried under the comments here, but I like telling people about the time I was personally most afraid in a game because I wasn’t even playing a horror game.

Ever play Super Mario 3D Land/World? Those games get straight devious, Especially if you’re trying to 100% the collectables.

But most of them still have collectibles or extra things that are hard to master like you said. Like woolly world for example. Almost anyone could “beat” the game but getting all the yarn bundles and flowers makes it much tougher and if you go for all the gems and hearts then it is really hard. Nintendo games still

Bro. She was always in another castle. If that’s not an anology for the friend zone I don’t know what is.

I adored that multiplayer and sorely miss it, I don’t know of a multiplayer mode like it anywhere else. Strikingly original.

You missed out. It was actually new and different and very refreshing. Was it the reason to buy the game? Certainly not but it was a surprisingly good addition to Brotherhood. I was 100% against it when it was announced it was getting MP and thought it was the worst thing ever, until I played it.

They’d need to believe they can make a hefty profit from selling physical copies. A hundred thousand sales for a game like this isn’t strongly profitable

Aaaaand that's why there's no physical release: there not seeing strong sales to warrant a physical release

Yup, I’ve given up on the Ace Great Detective.

Official site is down due to heavy traffic not from a take down.

5 years later and this still applies T.T

Other M is a blight upon the series. I don’t say that lightly about games, but that was just an awful game, right down to the crappy controls. The shoe’d-in Nightmare boss drove home just what a nightmare it was to pivot your controller to aim at the screen mid-fight, then back to fighting. The game is so bad that it

No Mike. Other M wasn’t good at all and anyone who actually cared for the series or compared it to the past games could tell you that. The gameplay was slow as hell, the environments bland as hell and the story sexist as fuck. Nobody should be nice when referring to that abomination of a Metroid game. After all we