The thought that Dwight was just born with gifts and hasn’t put in many, many hours of work to get as far as he did... that’s just turrible
The thought that Dwight was just born with gifts and hasn’t put in many, many hours of work to get as far as he did... that’s just turrible
what if it wasn’t basketball and there was a scientist that with his potential could cure cancer and instead only reach 70% of his potential and cured arthritis. would that bother you?
You are the equivalent of the right-wing troll bemoaning the liberal bias of Gawker’s political coverage. If you think that any subject—9/11, Sandy Hook or, yes, even alleged sexual harassment—is too sacred to joke about... well, that’s a perfectly valid opinion, but this ain’t the best place to be getting your sports…
The tough guy talk on free throws is so lame and funny. The reason to change the rule isn’t to “protect” players, it’s that basketball is an entertainment product, and foul fests aren’t entertaining. Did you also complain about eliminating hand checking because it “protected” point guards? Did you complain about the…
This is a dumb comment. Dwight Howard shoots 80% on free throws during practice. Drummond shoots over 70% on free throws during practice. The problem isn’t a lack of practice.
In Hardy’s defense, Dallas did burn dinner.
Girl scout cookies
This is horrible advice. The pools aren’t “rigged” and you compete against other people instead of the house — Yes, a lot of the lineups are put in by professionals, but a lot are also put in by novices. Far less than 1 percent of people can be long-term profitable in traditional sports gambling, which is why someone…
First and foremost, there’s no evidence whatsoever that the DFS industry has done anything to prevent legalization of traditional gambling. Also, you’re assuming that DFS and traditional sports gambling are substitute goods, when in reality they may be more akin to complementary goods.
This reply is everything. Thanks for saying all that!
Turn it over, put some aluminum foil on it, it'll do if you run out of plates.