Probably just as well, as we were likely to have something like this take place in the Netflix Quadrant...
Probably just as well, as we were likely to have something like this take place in the Netflix Quadrant...
Counter-argument: I think I love it. Based on other articles explaining it in detail (the Guardian one linked to below is a great read), it’s a clever way of teaching children engineering. The piano takes two hours to build and the game apparently explains how it all works and what the tech’s doing to make it…
The Blast also reports that the police are investigating Lee’s inner circle, as the amount of people who would benefit from that money being deposited to the charity’s coffers is fairly small
This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.
That’s actually kinda genius. I can’t possibly give it enough stars. Especially this part:
Always go to the source. The study was based on a 36000 nationally represented group broken into a further 1000 person groups to study 18 additional questions. Not only were the results gathered from the survey but combined with US public opinion and online social media discourse.
almost as ridiculous as reacting to an article, and not clicking through to read the study’s method...
Common sense sure, but if you’re trying to push against or advocate for certain laws and legislation, it’s better to have a professional report done to support your argument rather than say “Duh! common sense yo!”
Given that the human gut instinct is a remarkably inaccurate way of finding truth, conducting an organized study is not such a illogical thing to do. I’m curious if they were conducting the study because they were following up on prior research and felt that they needed to adjust some of the parameters of the earlier…
PUBG: “That came I had never heard of until everyone, including my cat, was playing it, except me.”
Realistically, it was probably the end of the licensing agreement for the games and their end of a run of a manufacturing line (companies bid for these and they’re not unlimited). Nintendo doesn’t own all the games that went on the system, so they must negotiate again to re-license them. Then, they must bid on a line…
That would mean making all 3 at the same time, which would mean running 3 separate manufacturing lines and at least 2 separate supply chains.
Oh yeah totally. I had already sent a donation to support the fires out in BC though. For me, today was the day to help out the people dealing with Harvey.
I just want a scene where all of them at once show up in her hospital and she just goes “Oh for F%^& sake!”
Not like the other weapons in the game it doesn’t.
Maybe don’t click on things you don’t want to read?
not as awesome as he sounds. especially not lately...
Still not as embarrassing as the Falcon’s loss yesterday.
Hate to be ‘that guy’, but this is interesting.
I love how Bartel in that memo takes zero responsibility for the corporate practices contributing to the “disappointing” behaviors you described.