WRC! WRC! WRC! Monte Carlo is this weekend!
WRC! WRC! WRC! Monte Carlo is this weekend!
12.8HP would be the UK’s vehicle tax system that applied at the time, based on the piston area. This led to all those very long stroke, very small bore British engines, to minimise the tax. I think it made the Model T a 22HP.
This is not brake horsepower, but rather tax horsepower - and the British calculated it differently than the French. This was a British Citroen brochure from the factory in Slough. Same reason the Citroen Deux Chevaux was called such - 2hp for tax purposes. These cars have around 40-70bhp depending on motor.
This is the epitome of owning a Mercedes. The car sounds fine but the owner sounds like a trash fire of a human being.
The full saying is “Doe maar gewoon, dat is gek genoeg.” Just be normal, that is crazy enough. It is tall poppy-ism without the flowers, not de-stressing.
As a Dutch person, this is bull. “Doe gewoon normaal” does not mean don’t be lazy, it’s about behaviour. And it mostly refers to not being a dickhead. In terms of productivity it can be and is applied to lazy folk and workaholics in equal measure.
I love how the HOA announcement throws quotations around the word “reasonable.”
Every car interior these days needs to be something. Oh, it’s a spaceship. Oh, it’s a lounge. Oh, it’s a fighter…
The cars look awesome, they shoot fire, they were reasonably high-tech, but also relatively straightforward to…
The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.
Behold, my fellow Jalops.
Thou shalt count to three hundred. No more. No less. Three hundred shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three hundred. Four hundred shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two hundred, excepting that thou then proceed to three hundred. Five hundred is right out. Once the…
This company would later be absorbed into Matra. DB split into two separate companies in 1961, Deutsch’s CD and Bonnet’s Automobiles René Bonnet. The latter launched the Djet in 1962 with support from Matra, which acted as the main investor, taking control of Bonnet’s company a couple of years later and venturing for…
If they really cared about getting women into motorsports they would have chosen Oprah. It would have made her care a bit about women in motorsports which would have made her realize that there aren’t many women in motorsports because they don’t have as many opportunities.
It took four years for filmmaker Chris Kippenberger just to track down Willi Thom, but once he did, he found one of…
There are rules about cockpit size, visibilty, and rollover protection forcing the cockpit to be higher than you’d want.
As a contrarian, whenever I am assaulted with obnoxious ads (anywhere) I go out of my way to NOT purchase the product advertised, including gas at stations that have Gas Station TV.
I came here to say I thought it looked like the front end of the Supra that’s been running around.