These evangelicals are crazy as as loons
These evangelicals are crazy as as loons
I’m from PA and I see this little weasel for who he is. we need a better candidate to run against him though
It’s not funny, it’s sad. Side with the billionaires though because that is morally right
Because this man has more money than he could possibly need in a 1000 lifetimes, yet he still doesn’t want his employees to receive a nice raise. Just plain greed, not morally right!
Mr. Sessions has the fragile ego because young people just choose not to listen to his racist, fake Christian manifesto
So people who believe corporate America would poison most of America if they could make money on it, they are unamerican. Screw him
Why would anyone stay at a motel 6?
They should make anyone running for political office list their IQ for all to see.
Of course they will, because we really have become the evil empire
This man is a spoiled little child. How could anyone vote for him unless they are a racist who won’t admit it to themselves.
The Republican will still win because criminal, violent behavior doesn’t stop them from hating democrats. What is sad is it is the democrats who want to protect their social security, their healthcare, and their interests against corporations.
Those people did not pay nearly enough into it to cover their social security or Medicare. That is the big problem.
What happened to the people’s president? I truly can not believe that some middle class people thought he cared about their plight. All he cares about is getting the rich more money and the poor and middle class less money. Please figure this out middle class.
This woman cares about children about as much as Donny cares about the middle class. All these people are about is money. They worship it.
What exactly are liberal ideals? Living in a safe, civil society. Taking care of the elderly and the poor. Treating everybody the same. Trying to help other people. Wow, those ideas sound horrible to a conservative. Why?
You really can’t make this stuff up anymore. It just makes me sad
He looks and acts just like Trump supporters always do. Racists and an IQ equal to their shoe size
Awesome and probably true, sadly
Tim Allen should just shut up. He is nothing but a drug dealer from Detroit who only got out of major jail time by testifying against his buddies. No one should ever listen to him
I wish I was God.....