I’m reminded of the Persona directors who admitted they’d never formed a friendship with a single woman. And suddenly the way women are written and treated in almost every JRPG ever clicked into focus.
I’m reminded of the Persona directors who admitted they’d never formed a friendship with a single woman. And suddenly the way women are written and treated in almost every JRPG ever clicked into focus.
While I haven’t finished the game, I have played the mission in question here.
One bed but only one pillow as well!!!
Okay, I’m confused. Did you link to the wrong Bioshock Infinite trailer, because... that has absolutely nothing in common with the Clockwork Revolution trailer, aside from similar vibes given off by the setting. Was there a different trailer for Bioshock Infinite that had more similar shots and framing and such?
I don’t know what these fans expected from a Mario movie and I don’t understand what they want from a Zelda movie.
You are Free to say whatever you want.
“The gay community are pedophiles” is a shit opinion. You can share it, and we can rightly call you a shit person for it.
Of course he is. And we are free to call his opinion shit and to call your breathless defense of someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire a sad display by a pathetic simp.
It doesn't tease any wild twist. Sephiroth fucks with clouds head constantly making him think he's crazy and do things he wants.
I realize you’re angry at Nintendo for being particularly litigious against pirates and people who otherwise commit copyright infringement, but you have to keep in mind that Nintendo does not consider those people to be their customers.
Gotta be honest, I’m still not sure unreasonable responses in internet comments are much of a story
Brown’s review is everything a scored review needs to be: it’s personal, it clearly lays out what he’s saying and why he’s giving the score, and helps anyone who might share those perspectives understand what the game is about.
I mean people are still giving James Stephanie Sterling shit for giving the last one a 7/10.
If I had a nickel for everytime Levi Winslow made a passing comment about Link being gender fluid or queer coded for absolutely no reason, I would have two nickels...which isn’t much but it is indeed funny that it has happened twice now.
Very much so. There was a lawsuit in the late 80s/early 90s about Nintendos monopolistic practices. They used to tie companies to full exclusive with Nintendo, limit the number of releases, and would hold back cartridges from developers on a whim.
...Naaaah. This is survivorship bias, combined with remembering the game as it ended up rather than as it launched. PC Skyrim was an even bigger mess than the console versions when it launched. The UI was famously barely functional with KB+M. Same with Fallout 3, that game was a crashfest on launch on PC.
Even getting…
“when its broken games sell are that its broken games will sell” This is the buried lede. Consumers have absolutely brought this on themselves.
They do if they have investors!
One of the inherent flaws of capitalism is that in order to see return on their investment capital, the investors need to be able to liquidate their holdings. To do that, someone else needs to want to buy them. Then they expect to get a return on their purchase.