
Of course not, that seems like a deliberately uncharitable interpretation of what I said. The intent was to emphasize how toxic Hollywood is by comparing it to Twitch. 

Imagine streaming on twitch because there’s less harassment.

Octopath 2 has grown to be one of my all time favorite RPGs, and it’s pretty much guaranteed to be called a disappointment in the next earnings call because SE just dropped it on the sidewalk with a shrug. Fucked up.

So are development staffs.

The original Legend of Zelda MSRP’d at $49.99 back in 1986. That’s about $135 in 2022 dollars. 

I’ve had great success at dealing with this problem by simply not assaulting women

I’m sure a lot of it has to do with the way the company’s opinions have changed after the hacks, but Nintendo has always been bizarrely secretive when it comes to their internal procedures and processes.

“We will continue a new project that will have a story inspired by Code: Veronica but without copyright problems.”

Really when your story is about the Greece of antiquity and/or the myths therefrom if everybody doesn’t land in the mid-range of the Kinsey scale, something has gone wrong.

No, no they do not. They don’t even proofread their own articles before submitting them.

They made hardware changes to prevent Switch hacking.  The old modules are certainly different than newer ones.

Frollo is one of my favorite Disney villains because he’s probably the most realistic villain in their animated lineup. He’s a dude in a position of power who uses that power to oppress a minority group because he’s super racist. He’s scary because his type of villainy can and does happen in real life. That being

It’s like the Kingdom Hearts situation: lots of free advertising over the absurdity.  This is an order of magnitude weirder, of course.

It really would have been great if you actually wrote this from the perspective of someone who has no idea wtf you’re talking about? Instead it’s a word salad and everyone’s mocking you because you didn’t include any actual info to talk about.

Schreier’s reporting isn’t “he said”, and as a Kotaku reader who has presumably been around for longer than two years you should know how this works. Reporters like him get their info by promising confidentiality and building trust with their sources. If he burns those sources it’s a massive professional breach of

Blue Lives TERF here was so bitter that she fucked up negotiations and lost the job, that she tried to rouse the gamer mob into sabotaging the fellow union member who replaced her’s success with the game. That she did so while appropriating the cause of video game industry’s labor rights movement* makes her extra

Yeah, this one’s definitely on Taylor. She, intentionally or not, led everyone to believe that Platinum/Nintendo were only paying her $4K for all voice work of the main character. According to her latest comments, she got paid 3000£ for the first game, so $15k is actually a nice improvement, I think (even accounting

jason schreiers update is interesting and makes a lot of sense. as union minimum rates are based around $/hour of recording, the offer of 4k from the very beginning assumed only a small amount of material recorded, which Jason Schreirer confirms was a cameo offered as condolence after re-casting her when negotiations

So that’s it, Patricia? You guys are really just going to post a quickie update to the original story, already buried off your front page, in response to the revelation by your old buddy Jason that Hellena Taylor’s claims were basically one big lie of omission? I thought G/O wanted more excuses to post clickable

It’s a little odd but one thing that’s a common trend with these kind of abusers is they’ll act very quickly to cover their tracks. They’ll put on their nice face and make amends and say they’ll get help when they’re caught. And sometimes they do... and sometimes it’s just a ploy to keep their victim from actually