
Calling modern consoles “plug and play” is a bit generous. It’s more like “insert disc, wait 15+ minutes for the mandatory installation, wait another 10+ minutes for the mandatory updates, then play. Oh, sometimes you need to update your firmware too. If you’re playing multiple disc-based games at the same time,

Consoles have not gotten more complicated to develop for. The current console generation has been praised because their x86 achitecture (same as what has been used in PCs since the 80s) is far simpler to develop for than many of the proprietary architectures used in previous console generations. Nobody is putting the

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SC2k is the best, with the SNES version a close second. The only thing I miss more than my entire SNES collection, is my Win9x-native copy of SC2k Special Edition, with the SCURK and SC2k Network Edition... :(

Obviously this article isn't about you. SimCity was the Pinnacle of simcity

Still the best bad game I wish got a sequel.  Sure, the game was flawed in a lot of ways (most noticeably in how broken stealth was); but the game itself was unique in a land of same-ey and very blah roleplaying games.

I’ve banned a lot of people in my 10+ years working video game support, so I’ll submit two stories, both from the same company:

So let me get this straight: you actually know what you’re talking about, but instead of engaging me with some friendly facts, you would prefer to be argumentative about the different names used for ready to eat ration packs? You do you I suppose. 

How about I trade you two “Russian Winters” and four “Emperor’s Divine Wind” cards for your “Fat Man” card? You know they are going to nerf it anyways.

Still not seeing the downside to that.  Where’s the punishment?

I’d say social media was a mistake and the internet is 50% a mistake.

The other 4 are leaving due to the nylon bag they got 

banning 4 people? there goes half the playerbase.

We assume, in a perfect world, Lucasjrivarola’s brother was okay, but the fact that he left that detail out in his story made for a hilarious follow-up comment by Hadjimurad.

your brother died in a housefire but thank god your vita was okay! ;)

Sometimes I’m jealous of people who live in public transportation-heavy locations who have the ability to play games like this. I have a 3DS and a Switch (never got a Vita) but I’ve almost never played them away from home (or if I do it’s like a friend’s home).

Anything with small hands will be edited to have overcompensatory ginormous ones.

this, uh, this is a video game website


Nice try - I have boobs.