
Did anyone remember the Underwater Material?!?!?!

I might not have the strength...

Oh, I should be clear - I only meant that I didn’t play Blood Money a single time through. I played it multiple times through, and challenged myself to get Silent Assassin on every level. It was the exception to my “play it once and move on” style, was my point. I’ll make that clearer.

DIDN’T PLAY BLOOD MONEY? Sir, you’ve missed out on the best Hitman game prior to next-gen transition. I too, played and completed the original games. But Hitman Blood Money was definitely the cream of the crop.

“These so-called heroes are nothing but vigilantes claiming they’re above the law! Who will WATCH these MEN?” *looks at camera*

I really don’t understand people who say the squid ending wouldn’t work. It is, in Adrian Veidt’s insane logic, a pretty brilliant solution to the Mutually Assured Destruction problem: unite all warring nations against an imagined enemy. What’s so hard for audiences to understand?

I still think in hindsight that the Giant Squid ending to the comic is much better than what the movie cooked up. Mostly because it would make no sense for the people of earth to fight Dr. Manhatten when nothing can kill him. If anything they would just surrender to him.

What does it say about me that I’m perfectly willing to accept real-life videogame fights and superpowered vegans, but I can’t suspend my disbelief enough to believe that multiple beautiful women would be throwing themselves at Michael Fucking Cera?

This game looks so promising that I went ahead and broke a controller in it’s honor.

there’s nothing wrong with that.  what is this world coming to where engaging in activities with your family is frowned upon. srsly. wtf.

I’m in my 30's and I hang out with my dad all the time. Was I supposed to stop spending time with my dad when I was 11?  If so, I was unaware of this rule.


Look, I get people being disappointed. I can even understand, to a certain extent, people being angry. No one was expecting, nor did anyone ask for, a Diablo mobile game. I think Blizzard is at times a little full of itself...high on their own supply, if you will. I don’t think they’re “out of touch”,

Nor should they expect it. I agree it’s a bad idea and not what i want. What will i do with this turn of events? Not play it and maybe check out Path of Exile. This Gamers Rise Up bullshit is just embarrassing. They don’t care how angry you rage on reddit. They care if they don’t make money on it. No amount of reddit

I’m actually a little confused here, why is the game engine a bright-line? Like, if I change how lighting or physics work that’s a change to the engine, right? Would that be outside of permit-able mod-work? Why is keeping the engine, but replacing every other asset OK?

Like, what if I build a mod that works like the

The problem that has always been presented to me is that these projects are done by folks who are crazy in love with the IP, but do not have the desire, or even the ability to pour into creating their own IP, to say nothing of the attention or even donation power that would come using a known IP compared to a more

There are so many ways to approach a text, and Snyder made so many changes, major and minor, that I am continually baffled by how common this "best of all possible adaptations" take is.

I think it was as good a version as we were likely to get, but that speaks more to my cynicism than its quality.

I don't think it necessarily was faithful.