1G CRX owner here, patently ignoring this fact in hopes that the rust will stop at some point if I leave it alone.
1G CRX owner here, patently ignoring this fact in hopes that the rust will stop at some point if I leave it alone.
What I just read was: “You should continue to drive cars from the 80s and 90s.”
Confirming ‘88 model year for the second gen’s debut.
These cars, despite their reputation for being ricer shitboxes, really are fantastic. Cheap (even in their day), reliable, and a hoot to drive. The second gens were a little more refined (double wishbone, full independent suspension) but for me the first gen ‘Rex will forever be the prototypical Honda hotrod. I’ll…
Make your grades, love math, despise authority, and stay skeptical.
As a EE+CENG undergrad student this is one of my long-term nightmares :/
This becomes much more funny in the context of embedded wireless communications systems.
Oh to have such topography.
Right? The brake booster on the CRX failed catastrophically (while bleeding, on the stands) after I put a new master cylinder in, so I wound up replacing everything. Pads, soft lines, booster, master, shoe cylinders. The first hard stop afterwards was a religious experience.
Can confirm. Iced-up drums are way worse though. Not only do they not work initially, once they start working decently you've got to keep driving forever to dry them out. Otherwise they just freeze up again. The joys of driving an older vehicle...
I was def thinking on track and/or running up an Interstate off ramp. In town I've never really considered failure a threat for the reasons you listed, but always have that nagging thought in the back of my mind every corner and exit.
I have some pretty trippy/terrifying dreams, but the only ones that have left me in a cold sweat are the dreams where my brakes fail. In dream land I can calmly storm Omaha Beach, but whatever it is about brakes failing immediately trips my brain's "scared shitless" switch. Brake failure is fucking terrifying.
It must be a nice perk. Meanwhile, the rest of us cower in fear of a sudden, life-ending lane change.
I DD a first gen CRX (8" longer wheelbase, 2' longer overall) and maintain that everyone should drive a barebones, tiny car at least once in their life. There's nothing like driving a pop can next to an angry Suburban to illustrate why defensive driving and mutual respect are so important.
Good Lord. It behaves like there's traction even when in the air.
Confirming that CRXs are terrifying at speed.
Which kind of tree does the Hellcat prefer?
What you're looking for is not Ohm's law, but the equation for DC power: P=VI. But yes, LEDs are trivial loads in comparison to eccentric motors.
For some reason this album just doesn't do it for me. It SEEMS oldschool Weezer, but just doesn't have that... bare soul to it. A lot of people didn't like Raditude or the Red Album because it wasn't "OG" Weezer but I'd contend those albums had more of what makes Weezer Weezer: Rivers making the music he wants to make…