Chelsey B. Coombs

You are all so brave

I dnt play them games

Im making a CTE addled brain out of Jello.

This is tasteless and I don’t care for it. My infant daughters saw that image and now they’re all screaming in unison. Thanks, Deadspin.

None of this means that HR is evil,

see this kind of story is why I lose my mind if my period’s two weeks late even though I haven’t seen a dick in a year

This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.

And much respect to Deadspin for not letting this one go and publishing what they have.

This is beyond horrifying.

I have never had to shove a dude’s face between my legs, my dear. They thank me for the privilege, best believe.

Don’t fucking tell me what to do.

real conversation i’ve had with a tinder date

I would comment on the nature of his article itself, but I knew he was a world class bullshitter when he humble-bragged that on his very first trip to the snackateria, he managed to make his partner squirt.

Trading Spaces was one of my first jobs in showbusiness. Two interesting things;

I know it was on a different network, but when Queer Eye for the Straight Guy came out and they used Thom Filicia for the interior designer, it was such a lovely antidote to Trading Spaces.

I loved Trading Spaces and the English version too. In the last five years both TLC and HGTV have backed right off decorating shows and I miss them. Now HGTV is real estate 24/7 — no surprise that the National Association of Realtors is one of their biggest sponsors. They push home ownership as if it’s the gospel.

Doug had a show for a while “Moving Up” which was pretty interesting. Former owners of homes go BACK and see what the new owners did to the place. Some real angry people on that one. A lot of people on it were working with shoe string budgets or spouses who demanded some real hideous shit

I kind of miss the old TLC. The simple makeover shows and A Wedding/Baby story were like the innocent, playing outside, PB&J-eating days of the network. With Trading Spaces and What Not to Wear they became a bratty tween, then a rebellious teenager and entitled college kid. I have no idea what they are now.

One of my advisers in college went on Trading Spaces with his wife, his sister-in-law, and her husband. No one liked the renovation and my adviser and his wife divorced 6 months later. Later conversations indicated that the show played a part in the decision to divorce.