Chesterfield King

wait what

I love that you hit on the unreliable narration aspect of the album— all of the backtracking and revisions that the narrator goes through. Beyond all the references and wordplay there's a very dense story being told here.

so excited for this!

love this!

as far as expressing the themes and mood of an album, Tallahassee is about as good as an opener can get

"The thing is, I didn’t actually know that they were dating, so this news wouldn’t affect me, which means I would probably not interrupt the Danzig that was already playing."

"I am fairly confused as to how it came to pass that at least one critic, hearing “Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box,” didn’t put on a ‘40s style reporter’s hat with a little “press” card sticking out of its band and immediately wire the editor: NEW RADIOHEAD ALBUM STOP THREAT TO GLOBAL EMOTIONAL WELLBEING STOP

It's just not necessarily one of his that I can turn on in any situation and enjoy.

John Darnielle also wrote one of my favorite pieces of music criticism ever on Radiohead's Amnesiac. It's fantastic and a must read (links compiled here)…

sometimes Get Lonely is too damn desolate for me to listen to. Sometimes it's perfect.

I believe radiohead does

Huh. this is pretty good.

Propagandhi has several very angry words for you

They really used that joke less than all the fans use it.