
As opposed to baby boomers constantly whining about how things aren’t like they used to be, and gullibly believing the selfish idea that they earned everything 100% “through their own hard work” in willful ignorance of the many other complex factors which put them where they are today?

Why would she deal with it privately when he already made it public? The piece wasn’t really about her personal issues with her father that only affect her family, it was about gender issues in the tech industry which affect a very large group of people. Failure to recognize this basic fact, shows difficulty with

Such a myth. I couldn’t afford to work. I made $50k, and daycare was $45. The cheaper ones couldn’t let me in until past my unpaid leave. I asked my job, they played hardball and said no. No to reduced hours (for reduced pay, of course) No to taking a longer leave. So, I quit. We were gonna be fucked either way. I