chekov's dildo

If you follow the links through she just wanted to tase “someone,” not specifically a cop. Great distortion though.

Speaking as a journalist who’s been swept up in group arrests: The next step is crucial. I’ve had charges brought up against me that were dismissed almost immediately. Most of the reporters I know who’ve been arrested have been ‘charged’ alongside the other people arrested.

thank you. it came in a rare moment of comedic inspiration.

they are truly the greatest new yorkers

i don’t even want to read the responses to this. it’s perfect as it is.

i like to hope that it’s all in good fun. A little bit of self-inflation on the internet (probably) never hurt anyone.

and cue all the commenters who were even more precocious than this four-year-old.

he’s an asshole but she had withdrawn from UWM before milo was invited to campus.

she might not be the woman we’d choose to talk about endometriosis but she’s the woman we deserve. america ‘17.

i hadn’t even thought of the cost of costumes and sets for this. that’s a really interesting wrinkle to this story.

damn. i was really hoping this would get picked up by another network.

‘chelsea manning article’ comments section’s are my favorite comments sections.

+1 for another chekhov related username (now if i could only remember the password to my properly spelled username...)

it seems possible that he took a private phone call—his hand’s covering his mouth, he’s leaned into the corner—while the train was moving?

yep, you’re right. it’s all about more nuance. we’re moving further and further away from a macroculture and towards more narrowly focused cultures (i don’t want to call them subcultures because that seems diminutive in a way that i don’t mean.) that interact with other cultures and occasionally rise to ubiquitous

she sure is surrounded by a lot of white people...

it’s almost like we’re learning that treating X group of people as a monolith based on one (or a few) shared characteristics is an overly simplistic way to categorize.

this restaurant is pretty gross.

the vegan cheese from riverdel is pretty tasty. to be fair, i’m not vegan so i don’t know what i’m talking about. but it tasted good to me.

i was wondering the same thing. I clicked through because i was interested in what gender neutral clothes would look like but nope, off to google.