chekov's dildo

this lady/guy gets it.

i have been out of the academy for far too long, thanks.

“cultural reduction” is an excellent phrase.

i have nothing to add because this totally sums up my feelings about many shouts of “cultural appropriation.”

This seems like the sort of intellectual dilemma that arises when feminism shifts from being an ideology of equality (though an often imperfect, white one) to marketplace-ready, individualistic commodity. It seems like Bryan benefits from feminism (in that she is able to choose her own life) but isn’t necessarily a

hey, $7Coffee, plagiarism isn’t cool. You forgot the quotation marks and possibly a spoiler warning if that’s from a new Schumer standup special.

Slightly off topic (related to trigger warnings):

Somewhere, in a dark corner of a UChicago building, an adjunct shudders. A single tear rolls down their cheek because they know they aren’t paid or protected enough to deal with this shit from students or from the administration.

His all-hands-on-students attitude is impressively horrifying.

i think the sense of humor over at gawker was more “burn it all, fuck ‘em all” than here at jezebel. or at least that was my experience until i forgot my old burner pword

Breaking news: Two Beautiful women are bisexual?

Shirley Swallows?

whoa/woah, this is total inside baseball. i don’t get it.

vin diesel looks like a happy cartoon penis

that’s what i don’t get. why make a statement at all?

I wish your mom continued relief, Aimée. I’m so glad that there are doctors out there who are able to help develop treatment plans that include pain meds and other therapies to help people keep going.

time to have a very unproductive afternoon

what?!? now i’ve got to run to youtube and hope i can find this.

I think any one of the thousands of people who share and comment on Breitbart articles on facebook could fill this position.

I hate to revel in the failure of others (so, so many others) but every time a remake flops, I hope that big studios come a little bit closer to investing in ‘original’ movies.