chekov's dildo

For real: add a dash of sexism and the right’s general distrust of the media and you’ve got a recipe for a big bowl of poo.

I wish she could’ve made this known so that maybe she’d encourage others to do the same...but of course she never would’ve heard the end of that. I’m sure people would’ve said she was just doing it for the attention or w/e.

i, for one, am so upset that bette midler unleashed this sort of hate into the world.

“Yet Sharp seems more certain that the overturned rule cinched her loss, and others’ losses too.” Nothing in the linked article indicates this. Sharp says nothing like this at all.

hi, lloyd, i’m sorry your friends and family on facebook aren’t sharing your article enough

objectifying kids squicks me out. lets wait til they’re adults to ignore their humanity and focus entirely on their looks!

so wait, re: that image. are there, like, photographers in scuba gear chillin’ at the bottom of the pool?

that lead image is so badass. would’ve loved to have that as a poster in college.

For those who inanely speculated about which parent was the perpetrator and guessed (or made an “informed decision” from your couch) correctly, claim your prize: A family is dead, guns are still too accessible to those who cause domestic disturbances and masculinity can still be toxic and deadly. But you were right

lol, this will go over well, lena.

Well this sucks. Larry was smart, often funny and had a different take on hosting a half-hour program. I was a regular viewer and even I think that his delivery and writing weren’t sustainably funny over 4 half-hours a week.

how did he work that into conversation? It doesn’t make it okay, at all, but i can’t think of anyway to drop that into a coherent line of thought.

I’ve seen others post different stats. So I don’t know if i fucked up or they did but I stand by the chart.

Did i miss the sentence where the mortality rate is listed?

I’m sure you are a very nice person but i can’t help but read your name as “Girl Nathan.”

so long as community service is running the next community bbq (yes, i know its italy but i’m not cultured enough to know what’s close to an italian bbq)

i haven’t eaten my husband since 2004 either.

that’s so fascinating. i assume these kids are pretty young (bc you said childcare) and have had limited exposure to the world. did kids ever ask you for food that was verboten or did they just trade with other kids?

always loved reading your comments. had no idea you helped people who really need it (as opposed to me, cynical dick number 1).