Get rid of the wife and get the Badlands
Get rid of the wife and get the Badlands
Get rid of the wife and you can get the First Edition package
Are they forcing you to write about stuff?! I know there’s no news till Ford Bronco news...but sheesh...this was a reach lol
Not gonna judge. But if you ever been to that would know it was nothing to ef with!! RIP
God giveth and God taketh away.....
Anybody truly surprised?! They been dying since the beginning of the century. Rip the bandaid off and be done with it. Nobody wants what they are selling if they are under 55 years old
It’ll be the people who could least afford it that’ll be holding the bag up at the end
Like a lot of car features these days... this is meant for the track
They didn’t take the female form into account when they made these. I agree. My girl wanted one and it wasn’t fitting for her either
Did you actually use Harley Davidson as some benchmark for success??!!?? Lol
Calling him Paul Walker doesnt make him’s calling him a pedophile
I wish i could give you more stars. This. This right here.
There isnt a attorney who thinks a ruling that is anything but for them...isnt a massive failire
I owe myself $2...i bet a $1 that somehow you would shit on Tesla and i bet another $1 you would mention nobody needs a certain type of vehicle.
Lololol i was thinking the same thing....he’s acting like this will be parked outside by his Civic
That’s if the garbage Shilling wrote the article
The #1 rule with Harbor Freight is that if it can hurt you or kill you...Hard Pass
He has nude photos of the editor. Only logical reason he still here