
He’s a complete idiot. His busimess advice to kids is to sell all their toys so he can have a lemonade stand. That and his level of snark for stuff is annoying. He probably pisses his pants a little from excitement anytime he can throw a shot at Tesla

Wrong....Erik is a motherfucking hack

100% correct 

Justin is a superior automobile enthusiast with well thought out ideas and premises that are executed perfectly. He rarely injects an opinion somewhere not needed and people look forward to when he writes...

Religion as a whole is a sbam.

August Alsina is obviously off his meds...not cuz I don’t believe him, but because he talking about it to media

I meant to send you an invite to the Mazda party on June 1st lol

So immediately after we’re “told” that the recession is over...people weren’t trampling over themselves cash in hand to buy a new car?!? You’d have to know zero about the economy, business in general, vehicles, and lack common sense to think the shite storm wasnt gonna magically end on the June 1st

Congratulations!! Gonna be an awesome voice!

Dear Tom,

I wish matters like this would mean more to the readership of this site. This is absolutely horrific. The black female truly is the most underprotected member of this society. Cis or transgender. May she rest in peace

He’s wringing his panties in a sink after washing them in a Prius

What niche-y of niche-iest niche...could this possibly be reaching and/or targeted to?!

A sad day indeed with someone uses the word baroque and they’re Under the age of 40

Usually Shilling would be all over this...but I’m glad a good writer wrote about it instead

100% correct

There’s always a nerd exclusion for anything lol

“Better in nearly every way”

Mama calls it Group 4...imma call it Group 4

If you only played yourself more lol