
1989 Nissan Stanza Wagon. It was either his favorite car or most hated...becuz he worked on it every weekend. I’m gonna assume hated now that i think of it...becuz i never saw him smile when he said its name


Tulsa bent over backwards for them and Tesla bent them over

Cane here hoping it was the writer of this article. Leaving disappointed.


Harley should just pull a Sears....

You could have ended after asking the question. Nobody cares whether it was for you or you sister

A great percentage of people watch the races to hopefully see a spectacular crash. They may get their wish

San Bernadino is Alabama except on the West Coast with meth. This definitely needs an investigation 

TIL some people see solar panels as an equal alternative to AC/DC power

No the bike is how he will be getting home

Doesnt mean he doesnt care...means he probably wont be shot when pulled over

Except i rather be seen in, crash in, crashed into a Leaf or Smart

Suits change the narrative just like female outfits change rape probability

Gucci Mane is like that crazy uncle who comes over on Thanksgiving and says some of the wildest and dumbest shit. Than immediately after he says something profound and insightful. But we tend to not listen or ignore it because of the previous craziness. This is probably one of those moments unfortunately where he is

While i can appreciate the sentiment she is trying to convey...and i applaud her spirit....she went off the rails a little. Lol

And how does one impeach a Supreme Court Judge???

Of course they knew... burn the institution to the ground

So what percentage of the men are doing this raping and murdering?! Now when white people wanna blame us for shit do you not counter that same argument. How about you pull the stick out of your ass and offer up something more constructive rather than just pigeonholing an entire gender

The Supreme Court didnt do anything. 6 human beings outnumbered 3 bigoted assholes and made a ruling.