Chef Pee Pee

Yeah, that seriously blew.

As usual a million levels above that crap called Walking Dead.

Hopefully she's gone for good now.

Must say this finale was a million times better than The Americans (I was really disappointed how that one turned out despite loving both series). Can't wait for next season.

This season acted like a final season without actually being a final season. The last scene on the bench with P&E easily could have been a final scene for the series.

The way this season ended made it seem like that was it. I expected more of a stunning finale to get us hooked for next season, but, that did not happen. Really loved the other 3 seasons - some of the best TV I have seen - especially since I grew up during the 1980s.

I must say seeing D&D in iZombie really made up for the disappointing "Americans" season finale.
Love this show.

When I was in high school it never got any airplay so I called up WNOR one day and they actually played it. It is one of my top 3 R.E.M. songs along with "Perfect Circle" and "Begin the Begin."

Yeah, at some point I see Philip taking Henry and Page and running before it's too late.

I dunno. I would rate it as a C and I'm a big fan of the series. This finale was a big bore overall.

Sadly for me this was the weakest ending of the 5 seasons thus far. It almost felt like they were restarting with the way it ended.

Agree, as end of season episodes go this one was not very exciting. I at least expected someone arrested or caught at the last moment.

I hate it when people review a TV show then get basic material like that wrong.
She got bruised from her training.

I really had expected her to put a bullet in his head after her speech.

One of my favorite albums.

Tuan has also "recently" been through the horrors of war so his perception of what needs to be done is probably different than P&E. However a bullet to the head looks quite a bit more suspicious than someone taking razor blades to their wrists.

What difference does it make if the result is the same? Dead is dead.

It wasn't what I thought of when watching that scene even as she grabbed the rope. I also didn't think that Oleg was going to jump into the river.

It's funny all the outrage directed at Tuan considering the pile of bodies P&E have created.

Unless Sofia and her husband are KGB. I think there's more to them than we think.