
How can you take anyone seriously who’s so closely named to “Turd Cutter?”

Shenanigans. I’ve driven way further than that

a few manufactured runs here and there might be nice too...

I keep wondering if they started filming, then James Gandolfini died. I know he is only listed as a producer. They left it alone for a while and just came back to it. And maybe that is why it feels like they just got tired of writing it in the last few episodes.

good news... your bags made it.

you have to hand it to CNN. I used to think they found the dumbest person on earth for just field reports. Nope. They bring them into studio as well.

When are they just going to come out and say that they got robbed by a hooker.

roll in smokin aces??

When you think about it... It was actually a pretty even trade.

And how had Trojan not taken advantage of the name, “Ultra Magnus?”

well played sir

(7). great because a thumb with a cape and a toothpick as a lightsaber has more acting chops.

Agreed. Does anyone just go to the movies anymore? Armageddon was an awful movie. But it was fun to watch and lose yourself in. We’re not talking Shawshank or The Godfather here. But I think there needs to be two types of good movies. ones that a brilliant aaaannd ones that can just turn my brain to fluid for 2 hours.

Must suck to take a sci fi movie so seriously.

The shame of it is, that he took a day for Manning and made it about him. He is not wrong. But why is it always the guys with 0 Super Bowl appearances 0 records an 0 future HOF votes that get to say whatever they want?

new tinder photo??

no way... it can’t be worse than I remember. Because I remember the worst movie I’ve ever seen.

not to be confused with the guy that created overpriced fans and vacuum cleaners

Does it bleed while shaving... in the jungle... with no cream...
