
As I mentioned in another comment - I realized I might be missing the point of the first movie when I found myself rooting for the faceless trucker.

"I don't care what it takes, you get those goddamn lemmings to jump to their deaths." - Walt Disney

Oh that would be amazing, I'd snatch one up in a heartbeat.

I got banned once, from ZFGC, Zelda Fan Game Central. When I was 13 because they thought I stole sprites. Which wasn't true, I shared some great ones I found around the internet on Deviantart. Long story short they overreacted and I lost my account. Oh well, I stopped collecting and started creating more. Now I'm one

you just broke my heart a bit. I know there are bad seeds in every profession, but the scientific community is one filled with people who could have made much more money pursuing other professions - but chose instead to dedicate their lives to improving society. Many are very smart, and work extraordinarily hard,

Its a dick sandwich.

St'awwwwwwww Wars

No. It's much more powerful without distractions.

If it makes you feel any better, I suffer from an affliction that makes me think they spelt 'color' wrong.


Muppet Babies Animal made my heart grow three sizes.

I vaguely recall the Merovingian's tie, but my mind was focused elsewhere ...

Fuck if there was one thing I could burn into new drivers it would be SAFE. STOPPING. DISTANCE.

physics doesn't give two shits if you think you have good reflexes.

T.L.D.R., but really, nuts to anyone who just blathers on about stuff without reading up first.

I predict the mysterious message to contain the age-old words "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine."

What is this, a car for ANTS?

Aaaaaaannd... You're wrong.

To clarify this bewildering story, it's relating to eleven lost episodes of Doctor Who.

Why wouldn't you just plug the power bar into...wait for it...the bottom outlet, so it doesn't block...the bottom outlet?