
Good freaking lord do I ever love that game. I've 100%'ed it about twenty times and I still haven't had enough.

Ugh. He talks about these consoles like he really respects them and then just bashes Wii U right in the middle of the article for absolutely no reason. That disconnected me from the story so much I didn't even care to finish reading it.

I'm kind of glad that I sold my Galaxy Nexus two days ago because I bet its value just dropped.

I always had an exceptionally difficult time getting right-click to work on the Mighty Mouse. I'm not sure if it's any better on the Magic Mouse because I haven't used one yet, but on the older one I couldn't get a right click to work unless I lifted my index finger off the mouse before clicking in an entirely

Also, how would you handle databases of private information without servers? Are we really going to send out fragments of people's passwords and personal information to get that database scattered around the internet instead of housed in a server?

Wouldn't that slow down the distribution of content updates?

A very, very large percentage of the sites you visit on a daily basis track your cursor movements. It's standard practice.

Every time somebody does something like this with CSS it serves as excellent proof that CSS is really ill-suited for this kind of thing. It's impressive work only because CSS is such a terrible thing to work with.

It'd be nice if they could make Windows that smooth.

Weird. I've had the 3DS XL cradle since right around the time the system came out and it has never once failed to charge my system correctly. I've even praised it for how easily it sits in the right place with no effort required.

I want that robot to be my new best friend.

This says "up to $300" whereas Best Buy's thing was "minimum $100" so I'd guess that they'll still offer you around $5 for a TouchPad.

Maybe some iPads are communal, but mine sure isn't. I'd bet that a whole lot of other ones aren't, either.

I've found that the Surface RT is actually a better product when you pretend that Office and the keyboard don't exist. I disconnected my keyboard cover, unpinned everything from the desktop, and just started using the device as a pure Metro tablet and using the onscreen keyboard to type and it's just all around a much

I assumed they were announcing some kind of new cover when their invite said "we still have a lot to cover"

I have one. It's pretty fun, and when you're really into it there's just no replacing the authentic original cabinet experience, but sometimes I feel guilty for neglecting it because I don't play it every day. Like maybe it would be happier on location somewhere. It's possible that I get too attached to my games.

I'd keep my phone. Not because it's a versatile mini-PC, but because I like the ability to easily communicate with my wife. That's the single biggest gift that technology has given me and I would definitely give up the Internet and digital productivity before I would give up that.


But if your muscle memory still has you gravitating towards that lower lefthand corner, it's a nice addition.

Funny story. My wife got an iPhone 5C over the weekend and it's her first iPhone. She kept asking me how her iPhone is so much thinner than everyone else's iPhones. I told her it's basically the same dimensions as all the others, but I eventually figured out that the reason she was so surprised was because she had