
Look this is just another stupid he said/she said she said she said she said she said she said she said.

No. It has nothing to do with safety. It’s an infraction concerning conduct that interferes with discipline and orderliness. She was being punished, not treated, observed, or protected. And it’s fucking barbarous.

don’t fucking care

A most curious creature, this. A terribly splendid display of life belligerently going on; a fragile and sexy example of the desire to grow, at any cost. I will draw her.

He doesn’t owe us shit, and maybe, just maybe, he’s not trying to be the most popular person in the world.

Right, it’s not like the player’s character had a loved one murdered right in front of them... oh wait, that’s right. Not to mention a son who’s current status is “complicated”. And in the middle of looking for their son and seeking revenge, the player took time out of their busy schedule to save Marcy Goddamn Long’s

He mad.

Video games.