
Charlamagne was talking about rape culture, and how actions men took in the 1980s and 90s are now considered rape... He did not rape his wife, he was just as drunk as her. Why is the man the rapist, if both parties are drunk? Its convenient how all these people writing hit pieces on Charlamagne never mention his other

Drake has goons, nothing would happened to him. Perk would never get close to him. J Prince, Birdman, his toronto goons is more than enough protection.

Looks like D Rose shot release

Trannies are disgusting, should be in mental institutions for their illness.

Chuck is the last of a dying breed, he aint no liberal cuck. I glad he didn’t apologize for calling San Antonio’s women fat, back then. Liberal fags have ruined everything.

How can Atl fans be homophobic, when the city is the faggot capital of USA???

You mean since it is Atl, it is the faggot capital of America

He did prison time for the crime, what more do you want from the guy?

He was punished for his actions, he actually did prison time for a offence he committed and he hasn’t had any domestic issues since 2010. Why do people keep bringing up his past? He did the crime and he did the time, that should be the end of it.

You little bitchboy, he was not even fucking driving the boat. Fucking weirdos are trying to diminish Jose’s legacy, just because he did coke?? I hate lames like you.

Fuck this douchebag, he did’t have ferry’s back and told him to quit.

My nigga

Did he have anything to say against Griffin when he broke his hand because he beat the shit out of a 5'8 man??? Only thing he had to say about that was that BG ruined clippers chances of winning a championship.

Full season for 1st time offense, are you insane?? More like 10 to 20 games for a misdemeanor, and 40-50 games for more serious cases. How many games should you get if you beat the shit out of a 5'8 man, and proceed to break your hand because thats how hard you beat him?? Also what if the man has more swelling on his

Blake griffin beats the living shit out of a 5'8 man, breaks his hand and gets suspended zero games by Adam Silver... NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL only care when there is outrage by the public, they do not give a fuck about domestic violence. How many games was James Johnson suspended when he had his DV case?? How many media