
This wasn’t needed. All the pictures exist. She dressed up in blackface and then posed in pictures that already fucking existed.

wow, they even digitally modified her nose for each one. I mean, not only did she do Blackface, she cheated

They are! WHY NOT JUST POST THOSE. The women in the original portraits are all absolutely gorgeous.

dammit someone got to it before me

he actually looks very much like his grandfather, Prince Phillip when Phillip was that age.

I don’t think this is really “school”. Just a place to meet other little ones and play with some toys that might have some sort of educational value. My younger one started preschool at 2, but it's not like she was sitting at a desk working on her printing!

Those parents are assholes.

Oh Dan Stevens! I loved you so much and forgot about you so fast. :-(

Now playing

She is having the post-Downton Abbey career Dan Stevens was dreaming about. She was also in Burnt. She was in only one scene but had the best line in the movie — at 1:05 in the linked trailer below:

Now playing

Eh. British period drama so I’ll watch it.

This isn’t an immigration issue; this is a male issue. See also: rape culture; patriarchy; misogyny; domestic violence; crime statistics; sexual assault statistics; gun violence statistics...

Well, masturbating, video’ing it, and sending it to other people. I think it’s that last step that’s the most problematic.


God, I love this kind of shit.

Uhh, lots of people said some very pointed things about it when it was (is) Kylie here in the comments. I don’t see how that changes anything, here. And who the fuck cares if this girl DOES want to be famous? That still doesn’t make it okay for a 25 year old man to be sexually grooming her. That is never okay.

Let’s not pretend that Tyga doesn’t have a history with underage girls. And let’s not call this a “sex scandal.” It’s grooming, plain and simple.

I’m loling at the idea that you think Royals shop from catalogs. She picked it out of an assortment of rings that Charles had Garrard’s bring over to the palace.

She’s an A-lister who I almost never see in the tabloids and lives a relatively quiet private life. I don’t get where you get “attention whore” from that, especially compared to the average celebrity (including those this site deems worthy of near-worship.)

“Attention whore”... But she's... An actress? Right?

[or Oscar]