
I’m a long time out of college but my parents advice would have been “do better at another school and transfer”

I would attest to this. I work for a non profit. While I make quite a bit under market for an IT professional, I have far more flexibility with my time than I would in an equivalent corporate job.

At what point in the children’s game can we start physically attacking the other players for succeeding? I don’t know. That’s for the crying babies filling their diapers about it to decide I guess.

Really? The name is “All Takes Matter?”

You’d think Michael J. Fox would have better things to capture on Vine.

An OKC-Cleveland final would be the most hilarious city matchup in a league final ever?

I’m also going to suggest than instead of Las Vegas, you go to Branson, Missouri.

Proper grammar and punctuation. Specifically, plural’s do not have apostrophes; random “words” do not need quotation “marks” for emphasis; and don’t go, sticking commas, just anywhere in a, sentence for the hell of it.

Now playing

I like Cheap Seats’ take on Ultimate Frisbee. The Sklar Brothers are gold!

I would never work at an office where this doesn’t apply. I don’t need a bunch of competent careerists shining a spotlight on how much my shit is held together with chewing gum and string.

Another one - Outlet store have the same products at the flagship stores.

So he should either stop making music/money, or start performing in a way that is better than the way that made him ultra-successful?

As an NCAA football player (at the time), the only incorrect answer to the psychologist’s question is human being.

Mizzou banning itself from postseason play is akin to me banishing myself from the moon.

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

You know what else is important? Understanding language, rhetoric, reasoning, argument, logic, etc.

I am so sick of this bullshit prioritizing science and math over the humanities. People who can’t evaluate argument, recognize propaganda or understand history and sociology are much easier to manipulate, even if they

Reading this has made me realize how fortunate I am to not have this problem. In fact, I never even thought about the issue before because, with my immediate and my extended family, I’ve never been treated like a kid that I can think of in any time I’ve come back.