
One of the things I value so much, reading this story, is how clearly it shows the way that reporting someone isn’t always and shouldn’t be assumed to be a horrible excision of deep personal trauma—that the author reported him with the primary goal of keeping other women safe.

Can you please break down every big story in terms of cheese? It helped a lot. Thanks.

Your mum sounds rad as hell. Please thank her for the work she and other women did to make things easier and fairer for my generation.

I disagree. When I was reading the statement about how cloning splits a soul in two, etc., my first thought was Hey, at least it’s not as insane as scientology.

So pretty much after it gets all weird and an asskicking or two later, you get to keep outfit right?

appropo - Kanye West looks like a level 1 RPG character

I did it in a public toilet! Then the guy in the stall next to me asked me what I was laughing about so I slid my phone over to him and he did the same ! We’re friends now.

Long ago I used to play Yahoo Chess using Chessmaster. Naturally I rose to the top the ranks, but one day someone beat me. I congratulated him on beating Chessmaster. He said he was also using Chessmaster, but had a newer version than me. I’m not sure what the moral of that story was.

I never understood spouses who sit there while their SO treats people like this. If my wife ever treated someone with disrespect I'd throw down a tip and let her know I was leaving and if she wanted a ride home she'd better join me. I also know that if I were to ever be the jerk, that she'd do the exact same thing

Typically I just yell "Last one to finish does the dishes" and make it a race.

Here's a link to the gofundme info to help support the baker's legal fund.

Yeah, the whole first half of the bible is basically, "worship God or die. Painfully."
Of course, it's the second half that then comes around to the "don't be an asshole" idea, but that's more of an expansion pack, not the original.

I like saying girlfriends because it pisses off my super conservative homophobic parents in law, so I won't stop #sorrynotsorry

Can we as a culture stop using "girlfriends" to describe female friends? It gets really confusing when you are talking about your actual girlfriend and ends up with all these stupid "Wait, did you really mean...?" conversations to determine what a person is talking about. The plural can't even differentiate it because

It's a Swanson-approved tactic.

Taylor Swift's friend on the left is demonstrating why, when wearing a bikini, showing your belly button is the better plan.

While this is clearly upsetting to some people here, I think it's important to see things like this.

I feel like my mom could have wrote some of these. I feel like she never says anything nice about me and when she tells stories about me when I was little it's always about something annoying I did. Like not letting her sleep all day when I was 6. And then the other day she posted something on my Facebook about how