Medically necessary?
Medically necessary?
Gender dysphoria is a recognized mental health issue, true, and many people are treated exclusively, and successfully, with psychotherapy without any hormone or surgical treatments.
The question is why should other girls have their awards, scholarships etc put on the line by losing to a more powerful opponent who isnt even fighting in the correct sex group?
Incorrect. Gender dysphoria is a widely recognized medical condition whether you agree it or not, and this is the standard treatment. Medically. Necessary.
Dude, it’s not a fair fight, but that’s the ADULTS’ fault, not his. Are you seriously saying that he should give up on competing in his sport—and any awards, recognition or scholarships for his skills—when a bunch of bigots insist he has to wrestle girls just because he was born with a vagina? Fuck that.
Yes. That is how the process works.
What an emotionally well-developed kid! I’m more than twice his age and I don’t think I’d be as casually nonchalant if I faced similar adversity. Good for him.
“You are a girl, you have to compete with the girls!”
“How dare you compete with the girls!”
I love that your brain can’t even imagine a party with black people or women whose “fun” might also matter. If fun happens and a white dude isn’t there to enjoy it, was it really even fun? It’s also neat that your personal idea of “fun” should be inviolate for some reason, even if that “fun” diminishes the value of…
I tried that, didn’t work. The good news is that I only messed up 3 times so far.
If reveling in racist/sexist/homophobic jokes are the main source of fun at a party, that’s not a party I’d want to go to.
What is a party? Do people join together and talk of things?
this works on unnecessarily gender-normative statements, too!
And what, pray tell, are “men’s jobs?” Most baffling part of this already so confusing letter.
I love how you know everything.
It won’t be effective. The wall. The wall won’t be effective.
Scholars who study “illegal” immigration have found that the absence of economic incentives is basically the only thing that stops immigrants from coming. If you can make more money and have a better life on one side of a wall than you can on the other,…
I can guarantee you she’s not, because I haven’t broken any laws. And I am objectively an American, and she is objectively not.
First off, I’m pretty offended by your language here - I’m being pretty civil here and honestly asking to correct my ignorance. I could go out and read up on it myself - which i WILL do - however at the moment I figured this would be a good time to pick the brains of commenters who know their stuff.
Hey, this person asked an honest question, seems to be genuinely open to new information, and is not promoting an anti-immigrant agenda. Your anger and insults don’t reflect well on the progressive side, nor do they match the fruitful discussion taking place.